Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Don Wood Child Watch of North America - BREAKING NEWS / SERVICES

Our Services

1. Photo ID Cards
2. Safety Rules
3. DNA Kits
4. Investigations
5. Case Management
6. Rapid Resolution Therapy

All services provided by Child Watch and the Childhood Abuse and Trauma Foundation are free to the public.
Since 1993 Child Watch of North America has assisted in the rescue of 256 missing children. Child Watch of North America has also provided millions of Id cards and fingerprints all over the United States and the World. All services provided by Child Watch of North America are 100% free to families. To hear directly from families we have help please read the stories below and don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel to see the Child Watch 48 hours episode that features the Child Watch rescue of Jeffery and Kristi Gray. Read below what a few families have to say about Child Watch’s help and success in bringing home their children.

Child Watch has to date assisted in the successful rescue of 256 missing children.

Child Watch, in cooperation with The Federal Bureau of Investigation Tampa Bay Citizens Academy Alumni Association promotes the FBI's Child ID App. 

The (FBITBCAAA) is a community-based and supported organization that promotes a safer community through outreach and educational events, with emphasis on the mission and leadership role the FBI takes in protecting our communities and nation. The FBITBCAAA is a non-profit organization and is separate and distinct from the FBI.

Copy and paste the above website link to download the FBI's Child ID App on your smartphone.
You realize that if you could change the way you feel, think, and act the quality of your life would improve. In spite of this, negative thoughts, painful emotions and self-destructive behaviors have continued.  This is because troubling experiences from your past continue to haunt you.

Rapid Resolution Therapy eliminates the negative effect from painful or confusing events whether experiences are remembered, repressed or forgotten.  Unconscious conflicts blocking desired change are pinpointed and resolved.  The mind is organized and optimized.  There are dramatic improvements in feelings and behavior.  The process can be completed in as little as one to three visits.

Health & Wellness

The brain is the most intricate and complex organ in the body. As the command center for the body, the brain is responsible for every function the human body performs, both consciously and unconsciously. Trauma has a serious affect on how the brain functions and this is what Health Watch addresses.

The founders of Child Watch, Don and Bridget Wood, were introduced to Dr. Jon Connelly while searching for assistance for a family member. After meeting with Dr. Connelly it soon became apparent that there was a fit for Child Watch and the families they served. Child Watch had been searching for a way to continue assisting families that had lost a child, rescued a child or were still searching for their missing child. Rapid Resolution Therapy was the perfect fit.

Don and Bridget attended Level One and Level two trainings with Dr. Connelly. In addition, Child Watch had Fred Golba, their search and rescue K9 commander, see Dr. Connelly to resolve his trauma from years of search and rescue work including 9-11. Fred had been experiencing severe nightmares from this unresolved trauma and was desperate for a solution. After seeing Dr. Connelly one time, Fred’s nightmares have stopped and he is living a much more positive and healthy lifestyle.

With the success from Fred’s experience and the training Don and Bridget went through, plans to launch the Childhood Abuse and Trauma Foundation were formulated.

The Childhood Abuse and Trauma Foundation provides an affordable solution called Rapid Resolution Therapy (“RRT”). RRT will clear the trauma in as little as one session, much more efficiently than traditional psychotherapy. Rapid Resolution Therapy is a “state of the art and cutting edge approach that heals the invisible wounds of trauma. Holistic, gentle, and compassionate, it painlessly eliminates the negative influences from traumatic events even when there are no conscious memories of these events.”

Dr. Jon Connelly is the founder and developer of Rapid Resolution Therapy, a revolutionary approach to emotional and behavioral difficulties. He is the author of Life Changing Conversations – The Power of Transformational Communication, which demonstrates that dramatic therapeutic breakthroughs can be facilitated in a single psychotherapy session. He has over 30 years of experience working with individuals and training professionals as well as board certification in psychotherapy, sex therapy, hypnotherapy, behavioral medicine, clinical social work and chemical dependency counseling. Dr. Connelly directs the Trauma Resolution Program at Palm Partners Residential Treatment facility for individuals in recovery from alcohol and drug dependency. He was appointed to the Clinical Faculty for the social work program at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and hosted a popular radio talk show on mental health issues. Dr. Connelly has also conducted seminars in hospitals throughout the country on advanced methods of stress management and mind body healing sponsored by the United States Veterans Administration.

When something is traumatic it slams into awareness and leaves a lasting impression. Even when the experience is finished deeper parts of the mind may continue to respond as if it is still occurring. It is as if this deeper part of the mind has not gotten the good news, the news that the painful experience is finished. Even experiences that have been repressed or consciously forgotten can continue to exert a negative influence. This may affect emotions, thinking, relationships, behavior and even health.

The best part of Rapid Resolution Therapy is the reduction in time and cost in healing a patient. Rapid Resolution Therapy is vastly different from traditional therapy. Traditional therapists have been taught to convince their clients to “take responsibility” so that they can “work on their problems.” Traditional psychotherapy focuses on the patient’s past. Traditional psychotherapy takes a long time, encourages dependency, and requires a painful re-living of past experiences. Rapid Resolution Therapy shortcuts traditional therapy by working with all facets of the mind, both the intellectual and the emotional. It’s quick and lasting. RRT is task versus time oriented. What this means is that while traditional therapy consists of many hourly appointments, for months and sometimes years, with RRT a patient’s appointment lasts until their symptoms and root cause of the problems are eliminated. The task is complete and their mind is cleared. Patients report an immediate difference—a feeling of peace, strength and energy. This desired change is automatic and lasting. Many people prefer this over spending months or years in weekly traditional therapy sessions. In most cases RRT treatments can be completed in a single office visit. Some treatments may take two or three sessions.

Rapid Resolution Therapy is helping Soldiers experiencing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a serious and often hard-to-treat condition. It can affect the lives of Soldiers and their loved ones severely and can interfere with daily life. Finding the right treatment can greatly improve a Soldier’s quality of life. The Army offers several support programs for Soldiers experiencing PTSD, such as Battle-mind, Post Deployment Health Reassessment, and specialized psychotherapy sessions, said Col. Elspeth Cameron Ritchie, medical director for the Army Medical Department’s Office of Strategic Communications. But sometimes, private treatment can offer individuals options currently not available through military medicine; rapid resolution therapy is one of those options. Veterans treated by RRT were featured in a 2010 article in the US Army News. The results are nothing short of amazing. The article can be found at

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